
Since I have no idea where this blog is going, I guess I have to stick to going along with the flow. Yesterday I used the Hemingway app to write the entry, and it served me well. So since I also do not know what else to write about that doesn’t involve writing about me, here’s an idea. I will in the next series of posts rewrite what I have written so far in this cookie cutter of a writing tool. Give it some shape. Make it intelligible. Remove all the “justs” and the “I thinks” and the “maybes” and all the adverbs. And chop ’em long ass sentences to pieces.

Starting from the beginning, here goes.

Let’s be honest. (Of course, the following words will only say things comfortable for the writer to be honest about.)

I was considering giving up coffee for 2020. The plan was that I would post Days Until I Last Had Coffee on Facebook everyday and watch the number grow. I was also thinking it’s the most I could tolerate doing on that abominable site. But guess what I’m drinking before starting this. Yeah right.

So instead, I will attempt to post on this blog on a regular manner instead. I have some vague thoughts about Facebook, but I should reserve that for tomorrow.

Enough for today.

Ha. How about that for a recursion. In an abrupt manner I have a lot of material to end up having written in the future. Even though this prohibition of adverbs is killing me. How does one express suddenly without saying the damn word?

Some things I noticed 01/25/2020:
  1. On the other hand, those who give the air of having never procrastinated are often cold-ass coasts who make contributing to society feel morally incorrect somehow. I mean beaches. The one with a T.
  2. Pretty sure whoever wrote this letter doesn’t procrastinate.
  3. Or these people. (Warning: if in a good mood rn, don’t even watch)
  4. Meta: It’s like Twitter knows I haven’t been back in a while so it’s trying to rile me up. Well played. GG.
  5. From WK today:
    • 過去のことは水に流す。
    • 「努力は裏切らない」とは嘘だ。
  6. To the point about the complicated being rather more interesting.
  7. Dead.
  8. KNPP shirts are fine, imho.
  9. Stan since Frances Ha.