aléatoire 文法練習
  • 「そういう」
    • そういう態度は保守主義で典型的だ。
  • 「こういう」
    • こういう例文は少なかった派手だね。
  • 「ああいう」
    • ああいう言葉が使うことは簡単じゃない。
  • 「どういう」
    • どういうことだってばよ!
    • どういう動物だこの政府は
  • 「また」
    • 記述はまた読みなさい。
    • また誰かの口に臭そう。
  • 「みたい」
    • 自由があるから変人みたいに生きてきる。
    • このお菓子の形は管みたいな体に玉みたいな頭があんるだ。
Some things I noticed 05/05/2020:
  1. Imaginary interest rates
  2. Euler’s crazy pi formula generator
  3. “Because work is a duty, and a man should not receive wages in proportion to what he has produced, but to his virtue as exemplified by his industry.”
  4. 国から1人に10万円出すことが決まった 外国人ももらえる
  5. Psshh. Amateurs.
  6. Her family are f-ed up in that way that gives posh people something to write plays about, and gets other people visits by social services
  7. Why do people in North Korea draw the straightest lines?
  8. “So many of my memories were ugly, but the things I held unto until the end weren’t the ugly ones. I choose to see the beauty.” – Dolores, Westworld S03E08
  9. antiadoptionist, antidocetic, antiseparationist, theologically motivated alterations of the text in Bart Ehrman’s Misquoting Jesus Chapter 6
  10. Young Taimane

Some things I noticed 04/30/2020:
  1. a strong emotional and physical bond to one primary caregiver in our first years of life is critical to our development
  2. Neither United, nor States, nor American
  3. In some corners this is exciting news. ?
  4. Loneliness and desire for meaning make one susceptible to friendly people offering community.
  5. “We’re way beyond change, we’re in serious trouble. There’s no working with the devil here.” – M. Moore, on Planet of the Humans
  6. pi squared (π²) is same as gravity on Earth in terms of meters per second squared”

Some things I noticed 04/20/2020:
  1. rooftop tennis
  2. I was terrified of absolute abandonment.
  3. “Anorexia in later stages can be traced back to early power struggles with food
  4. “They hit you up for school fees, donations, and then they want your time?
  5. Japanese moving company
  6. life could be over just like that
  7. 69 is popular for being the first number between whose square 4761 and cube 328509 uses each digit from 1-9 only once
  8. “at one point the needs of humankind will outpace the earth’s ability to support our species
  9. SR-71 Blackbird is so much like a rocket it even uses something hypergolic for ignition
  10. That which is intended to preempt, might instead provoke.
  11. “the explanation may have less to do with culture and more to do with constitutional arrangements
  12. Words you never mean, just to be kind